Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Examine How Market Equilibrium Is Determined and Explain

Market Equilibrium- Asifa Kwong Examine how market equilibrium is determined and explain why governments intervene in markets. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer. Equilibrium refers to the idea that there is no tendency to change, and market equilibrium is a situation where the price and the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded of a particular good are equal. The interaction between demand and supply can change the price mechanism which determines the prices and quantity of the goods and services that will be bought and sold in the market.When there’s no tendency to change in price or quantity, it means that there’s no surplus or shortage of goods and services in the market (diagram 1). If there’s any mismatch in supply and demand, it will be balanced by changes in price and quantity demanded or supplied. When there’s a surplus of goods and services, there will be a decrease in demand, where supply will be greater than demand, price will fall wh ere firms cut prices to sell surplus and there will be a contraction of supply and an extension of demand.When there’s a shortage of goods and services, consumers bid up prices competing for the available quantity supplied of goods and series, where there’s an extension of supply and a contraction of demand ad there will be a re-established equilibrium price at a higher rate. Increase in demand will lead to a shift in the demand curve to the right where it will raise both equilibrium price and quantity. When there’s a decrease in demand, the demand will shift to the left where price will drop and there will be an extension in demand and a contraction in supply.An increase in supply will shift supply to the right, it will lower the equilibrium price and raises the equilibrium quantity. There will be an extension in demand and a contraction in supply. A decrease in supply will shift supply to the right where there will be a raise in the equilibrium price and lower s the equilibrium quantity. When the market prices for goods and services in the product markets is considered to be too high or too low, market failure may occur where the price mechanism may take account of private benefits and costs of production but doesn’t take into account social cost and benefits.This is when the government intervenes in the market. When the government feels that the market determined price for some goods and services is too high or too low, the government may intervene in the marketplace in order to make changes to these goods and services. Governments impose price ceiling and floor prices in order to intervene the market prices. Price ceiling is the maximum price that can be charged for a good or service. For example, the petrol prices in the market maybe too high so the government would set a ceiling price that it can’t be higher than a particular amount.Floor price refers to the minimum price that can be charged for a particular good or serv ices, it is established below market equilibrium. For example, the government may think that the market price for wheat is too low, so it may impose a floor price which will lead to an increase in the price of wheat and the market will be in disequilibrium. There are often failure of private sector to provide goods and services. The government may intervene in order to encourage the provision of merit goods like public education that have positive externalities, through subsidies to consumers to lower prices and increases consumption.Provision of public good, e. g. public road and police services, are not provided by individual firms at all, so the government intervenes to supply these public goods and finances them with its tax revenue. Protection of the environmental goods like air, water is intervening by the government where government may set taxes like the carbon tax to control the pollution level. In a government influence market, we would have pure competition in the marketp lace where there’s no government intervention at all.This shows that no one in the market has the power to influence the market outcomes directly. The prices of the market will be determined by its supply and demand in the market system. With a regulated market where there’s government intervention, the price mechanism can be changed depending on the government influence. Therefore, a regulated market can be controlled so that it can be more secured and safe where the price of goods and services is at a rage that people in the economy can effort so that our standard of living can increase.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Epistemology and Knowledge Essay

Epistemology, or the study of knowledge, requires the scholar analyze the what, how, and why’s of their own knowledge. Asking these questions of themselves is essentially applying that which they have learned. There are different origins of knowledge as conceptualized by philosophers, educators, and scientists. Early philosophers defined knowledge as â€Å"justified true belief† (Cooper, pg. 23). In order for an individual to know something it must be true, he or she must believe it, and the belief in it must be justified or rationally reasonable. Later, early modern philosophers required knowledge to be proven and absolute. The scientific method was employed to provide proof for ideas and beliefs. The means by which knowledge is acquired varies. Feldman cites sources of knowledge as perception, expert testimony, memory, reasoning, and introspection (Feldman, 2003). As an educator, instructing primary age students on a daily basis, I must not only have great insight into what I believe, but I also must have insight into my student’s knowledge as well. Instructors need to know a number of things about their students, such as: Do the students have adequate prior knowledge to understand the new material being presented? Are the students sufficiently motivated to engage in the cognitive tasks required of them? Does the information fit an existing scheme of knowledge or will it require some alteration of current understanding? Understanding what my student know and at what depth they are able to apply that knowledge guides my instruction. My natural curiosity, a natural inclination for question, and a need for answers motivate the search for explanations. Knowledge and wisdom give an understanding of our position, role, and function in the world. Achterbergh and Vriens (2002) stated, â€Å"The role of knowledge in generating appropriate actions is that it serves as a background for articulating possible courses of action (articulation), for judging whether courses of action will yielded the intended result and for using this judgment in selecting among them (selection), for deciding how actions should be implemented and for actually implementing action (implementation)† (pg. 223). Knowledge enables interpretation of experiences, predictions of consequences, and provides the ability to make informed decisions. My own personal epistemology is a product of each of these views. Personal experiences have a major influence on beliefs and should be an acceptable source of knowledge but not the only consideration when acquiring knowledge. There is also a place for the scientific method which offers proven data to base knowledge. For me, knowledge is a product of reasoning (Feldman, 2003). I derive knowledge from information imported through different modes and from various sources, such as personal experiences, advice from experts, and data. These inputs of information are cognitively processed and filtered with the reference to past experience and prior knowledge to become new â€Å"justified true beliefs† (Cooper, ). Thus, knowledge acquisition is a process involving the collection of raw data or information, reasoning, and judgment making. For example, after my students have taken a test, I look at the data, think about the patterns in the data, or the lack of a pattern using prior knowledge and experiences as a filter. Finally, I decide what my next step or strategy will be. Do I need to reteach the subject because the pattern suggests that most of my students did not fully understand the skill or concept? Or do I move on to another more complex skill or concept because my students have proven themselves knowledgeable? It is in this way that I acquire knowledge and apply that knowledge to planning lessons for my students. Many of my colleagues rely solely on the scientific method to make decisions in regards to student learning. They are satisfied with looking at a spreadsheet full of data and believe that it tells the complete story in regards to students. They are also under the assumption that scores derived from a series of multiple choice tests given on a set of skills will reveal if a student has acquired the desired knowledge. Basing grades on these tests is also appropriate. I do not believe that this tells the full story of my student’s knowledge. These tests may demonstrate the ability to regurgitate this knowledge within a certain context, but out of this context this may not be true. I do, however, use this data to help inform many of my decisions, however, I do not make decisions based exclusively on this data. There must be a balance  of reasoning, using my 16 years of experiences and training, as well as raw data tells a more complete story of my student’s knowledge and abilities. I have worked for Porterville Unified School District (PUSD), in Porterville, California, my entire career. PUSD’s vision and mission statements read as follows: â€Å"PUSD students will have the skills and knowledge to be prepared for college and career and to make a positive impact in a dynamic global society. The mission of PUSD is to provide students a dynamic, engaging and effective educational experience that prepares them with the skills to be productive citizens in a global society. † As a result, it is perceived that all students will develop and demonstrate â€Å"critical thinking and problem solving skills; cultural awareness and the ability of collaborate with diverse groups; effective communication skills of listening, speaking and writing; creativity and innovation; leadership, self-management and organizational skills obtained through real world applications and community involvement; (and) the ability to navigate the global world of work and further their education (Porterville, 2012). † Porterville Unified (PUSD) has given explicit expectations for what students should know at the end of their educational career with the district, how students get to these end goals is a little less clear and left to the judgment of the teachers. There are some expectations of teachers and lessons presented to students given by the district. Many professional development hours have been spent on instructing teachers about the specific things that administrators will look for as they do brief observations of classroom instruction. The expectations include teaching explicitly to the essential standards; posting of the essential standard being taught; 80% student engagement during the lesson; display of exemplary work; higher order questioning and thinking skills. Administrators collect this data and share it with grade levels and school wide to help teachers focus on areas that are lacking. Administrator walk-throughs give a quick snap shot of the type of teaching and learning taking place during a lesson and they help to build a holistic picture of the teaching methods and resources being used (Hetzner, 2011). PUSD has placed an emphasis on the strategies needed for effective lessons and, in turn, effective student learning. As a 4th grade teacher for Porterville Unified School District, my task is to create daily lesson plans that serve to guide me as I teach my students. My first step in creating these lessons is to determine my student’s level of prior knowledge. I can accomplish this by looking at formal and informal assessments and data. Observation of this data gives me a better understanding of what my next steps with my student should be. In some cases, I need to go back and reteach skills, while in other cases I can teach my students a new skill. I have to make an informed decision as to what cognitive level I need to teach to next. Awareness of how my students are performing as well as where I need to be as far as pacing and staying on track to get through all the skills needed to be taught within the year are vital to my daily task as a 4th grade teacher. As I compare my personal epistemology with that of my district, I realize that I spend more time assessing data after the lesson has been taught while the district places more emphasis on data collected during a lesson. Both of these approaches are valuable and, in fact, the district does place value on the end result (i. e. State test scores), however, there is little action that can take place after the end of the year data is collected. PUSD has placed and emphasis on good instruction because they see it as the road to a good education, as well as, the skills and goals they have set in the mission and vision statements. Our epistemologies align in that we both rely on the research of experts. I trust, as does PUSD, that the data given by experts is valuable to our own knowledge and it should guide how I teach my students. The district also views its teachers as experts in the field and has given many freedoms in the presentation and uses of resources when teaching students. As I reflect on my school districts focus as compared to me I realize that even though our epistemologies are not exactly aligned we are aligned in our focus of the students. Students come first. That means I will use whichever strategies I need to in order to create effective student learning. Reviewing test scores and planning lessons are vital to student learning, however, I have been so centered on what I am teaching that my students have not been engaged as well as they could be and thus have not learned the subject matters to their full potential. Also, although pacing is important, it should not be of top priority. Top priority should be assessing my students during the lesson and changing strategies, or even the skills being taught, if my students are not engaged. There is no point in plowing through a lesson if the majority of my students are not listening to what is being taught. This new insight will definitely help to drive my instruction and will help make me a more effective teacher. References: Achterbergh,J. , Vriens, D. (May-June 2002). Managing viable knowledge. â€Å"Systems Research and Behavioral Science. † V19i3p223 (19). Cooper, D. E. (Ed. ). (1999). Epistemology: The classic readings. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Feldman R. (2003). Epistemology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hetzner, Amy, 2011. Walk-throughs give school administrators firsthand view of staff in action. JSOnline: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. May 14, 2011. Retrieved on November 20, 2012 from: http://www. jsonline. com/news/education/121843078. html Porterville Unified School District, 2012 . PUSD: Vision and mission statements. Retrieved on November 20, 2012 from: http://dnn. portervilleschools. org/dotnetnuke/District/VisionMission. aspx.

In This Essay the Myth of Equality Between Men and Women Will Be Discussed and Progress Made by Women so Far, for the Fight of Equality Will Be Examined.

Year 10 ENGLISH Assessment 1:3 – Using Language to Persuade Unit 1 Outcome 3: Analyse the use of language in texts that present a point of view on a current issue. TASK: Produce writing that analyses the use of language in persuasive texts. You will have two class periods to complete this assessment task. The prior two periods will be to prepare. Test conditions will apply throughout the writing of the assessment.. You must analyse 2 written texts, which will be provided at the beginning of your first preparation lesson.You may use a dictionary (bring your own). You may also bring in one sheet of notes to the assessment writing classes. On the reverse of this sheet there is a copy of the Assessment Criteria for this task. You should produce a minimum of one page per text to be analysed. Each text should have a minimum of one page analytical essay. Your opinion on the issue in the persuasive text, SHOULD NOT be included as a part of your analytic essay.English Assessment â€⠀œ 1:3 Using Language to Persuade Nature of task: Produce writing that analyses the use of language in two persuasive texts. Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ |   |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |Criterion 1: Knowledge Analysis and omparison of ways in which language is|   |   |   |   |   | |used to position readers. (10 marks) | | | | | | |1. Analysis of language |Sophisticated |Detailed |Analysis |Some |Little | |2.Expression of the ways in which language of selected persuasive texts is|Insightful |Careful |Some |Limited |Little | |used to position readers in a particular way | | | | | | |Criterion 2: Expressive and coherent writing, with appropriate use of |   |   |   |   |   | |metalanguage (10 marks) | | | | | | |1.Expressive and coherent |High |Expressive |General |Clear |Simple | |2. Appropriate metalanguage |High |Relevant |Mostly |Some |Limited | Marks_____/20 Teacher comments/areas for improvement_________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Application of Relevant Study Framework Research Paper

The Application of Relevant Study Framework - Research Paper Example In view of illnesses reflected theory of biological concern, terminologies aiding this are fully reimbursed by developing notable health models. The changing trend explored by passiveness in health development encompasses knowledge changes, especially in reversing various trends reflecting psychological health. The technique itself encompasses relevant understanding of individual wellbeing and evidently it also involves aiding growth, development and various treatment processes. In virtue of changing ill health challenges, possible inclusion of beliefs and various strategies offer notable compliance understanding of various mainstream features. According to different researchers medical recommendations are implemented by noting the existing perceptions and what future health trends would encompass. The definition of responsibility illustrate that medical changes are applied fully in order to accomplish the required medical requirements. For example, there is an observable definition of various health models that have helped to maintain express health-related levels. This, hence, has implied that healthiness is achieved by uncovering various illnesses and hence defining the core mainstream compositions. Hence by understanding what health entails at various points, the mindset is developed and recreated in order to help create stages relative to defining the core concepts aiding health perceptions. 1.1 The Study Objectives The psychological approach provides a comprehensive feedback required in the following mainstream objectives. i. Understanding, developing and implementing notable health theories relevant to etiology of illness. ii. Carrying out practical experience in attaining the psychological health and also understanding relevant behavioral characteristics of illness. Gili et al. (2011) explain that the role of psychological health process is to provide notable steps required to achieve better health standards. For example, the analytical framework of psy chological health pursues the following goals: The analytical procedure in psychology reflects what levels of health require absolute referencing in the following key areas: i. Projects that cover the aspects of health and their relevance. ii. The core health features including beliefs, behaviors and illnesses. iii. The experiences encountered at various cycles including terminologies and various inclusions aiding both behavioral changes and professional attainment of illness controls. iv. Psychological role in helping patients to recover. The study factor provides relevant steps required to complete possible behavior management. 1.2 Health Beliefs and Behaviors Various health considerations

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The decision regarding the equipment composition - Individual Essay

The decision regarding the equipment composition - Individual assignment - Essay Example In 1976 the FASB issued SFAS No. 13, Accounting for Leases. This statement is considered a part of the generally accepting accounting principles. During the past 35 years after the creation of SFAS No. 13 the FASB has issued a total of six statements, six interpretations, and 11 technical bulletins on leases. When working with accounting for leases there are two different perspective or elements. The two elements are accounting for lessee and accounting for the lessor. The lessor is the original owner of the asset who rents its use to the lessee in change for a recurrent installment payment during the duration of the lease contract. There are two primary classifications of leases which are capital and operating leases. One of the most important aspects for SFAS No. 13 is that it establishes the four criteria necessary to classify a lease as a capital instead of an operating lease. If a lease fails to meet any of the four criteria established on SFAS No. 13 it fail to be classified as a capital lease. The difference between a capital lease and an operating lease is that a capital lease considers the property leased an asset in the accounting books of the company because at the end of the lease transfer of ownership occurs. The four criteria to classify a lease as a capital lease are: 1. The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee 2. The lease contains a bargain purchase option 3. The lease term is equal to 75% or more of the economic life of the leased property 4. The present value of the lease payments equals or exceeds 90% of the fair market value of the leased property (Weygandt & Kimmel & Kieso, 2003). The two primary classifications of capital or operating lease mentioned are from the perspective of the lessee. â€Å"Appendix No. 5, Determining Lessor’s Type of Lease – FASB, shows the evaluation process that can be used by a lessor to classify a lease† (Lee, 2003, pg. 12). From the lessor’s perspective a capital lease can be classified as a sales type lease, direct financing lease, or a leveraged lease. Each of the three types of lessor lease classifications can be defined differently. A sales type lease occurs when the fair value of the lease is different than its carrying amount and real estate is involved and ownership of the property is transferred, or when real estate is not involved and lease meets all four criteria u nder SFAS No. 13 and two additional lease criteria which are listed below: Collectibility of minimum lease payment is reasonably predictable No important uncertainties surround the amount of unreimbursable cost yet to be incurred by the lessor under the lease (Lee, 2003). The second lessor classification for a capital lease is direct financing lease. If the fair value and carrying amount of the lease are the same and the lease meets the two additional criteria mentioned in the definition of a sales type lease then the lease is classified as a direct financing lease. The third type of classification is the leveraged lease. In a leveraged lease a long term creditor intervenes to provide non recourse

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Rewrite - Essay Example There are different pricing policies of Foodmart, which can be explained by the company’s convenience of retailing and potential profits gained from sale. Therefore, Internet prices differ from prices in the shops of the Company. Under conditions of agreements for online operations, Todd had to pay retail price, which is not indicated in the Internet. Henry Cheeseman states in his book, The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce: Business CurrEthics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues, (2010) that to enforce a contract, there is a need to follow these requirements: to consider agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, and a lawful object. Todd was ready for agreement, when he agreed upon terms and conditions of online transaction. Todd was also considered about the sum of money, which he had to pay for the sauce. The object of the contract, chocolate sauce, can be considered a legal element. Thus, it is possible to claim that this contract is enf orceable. Todd wanted to buy chocolate sauce at a lower price, which existed in real environment only and was unavailable in online world. The store has a right to sell goods and products in accordance with its real pricing policy. In case a customer is dissatisfied or wants to change any issues of this policy, his claims are irrelevant. Thus, in this case a contract specifies that advertised prices are not applicable for online purchasing, which means that the contract is enforceable and Foodmart wins. Nevertheless, in case Todd did not sign in the contract and he did not mark â€Å"I agree† option online, this contract cannot be enforceable. The clients of online purchasing should agree upon the terms of agreements and contracts, otherwise there is no enforceable power in online purchasing. From another perspective, purchasing in the real world requires that customer

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dubai economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dubai economy - Essay Example On January 4th 2006, following the death of Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum became the Ruler of Dubai. He is a man of many guises-poet; champion horseman; author of the book 'My Vision - Challenges in the race for excellence', Chairman of DTCM, United Arab Emirates Vice President, Prime Minister and Defense Minister.Past two -three years witnessed a boom in the construction sector. Large scale, world class constructions such as Burj Dubai (which would be world's tallest building - height 818M, Floors-162, completion by 2009) have taken place and are in progress. Apart from that a number of real estate projects like the Walk, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Business Bay, the Executive Towers, Vision Tower, Bay Avenue, the Villa, etc also became popular. Real-estate values surged fourfold over the past five years, fueled by a supply shortage and an influx of expatriates. Rising commodities prices drove inflation, which accelerated to a record 11.1 percent in 2007. The population of Dubai expanded from 12,00,000 in 2003 to 14,78,000 in 2007. Dubai's real gross domestic product (GDP), which surged to a record Dh198 billion in 2007, is predicted to sustain an average growth rate of 11 per cent for the next eight years. Dubai's exports have been growing by an average of more than 28 per cent annually during the past five years.Financial sector also witnessed ample growth during the previous years. The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), opened in September 2004, is the world's fastest growing international financial centre, and has attracted high caliber firms from around the globe as well as its region. A world-class stock exchange, NASDAQ Dubai (formerly known as the Dubai International Financial Exchange or DIFX), opened in the DIFC in September 2005. Financial services in the DIFC are regulated to international standards by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). The credit market also has become more competitive, currently there are 13 lenders in the market including four international banks - Standard chartered, HSBC, Llyods TSB and Barclays Bank. Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) conducted normally in January gained international reputation year after year and attracts thousands of foreign tourists. Hotels, travel agents and tour operators contribute to the selling of the event worldwide. Development and expansion activities for Dubai International Airport continued. The new terminal 3 became fully operational in October 2008. Work on a Cargo Mega Terminal has begun. A metro link with the city is expected to be operational by 2010. There were fast developments in information and communication sectors in Dubai in the past few years. 'du', the integrated telecom service provider in the UAE, launched mobile telecommunication services on 11 February 2007 across the UAE in addition to internet and pay TV services in some of the free zones of Dubai. It is 40 percent owned by the UAE Federal Government, 20 percent by Mubadala Development Company, 20 percent by Emirates Communications & Technology Company LLC and 20 percent by public shareholders. It is listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and trades under the name du. Emiratization programme also got momentum in respect of higher management and technology levels. The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) has initiated an Emiratization drive in Dubai through attracting a dedicated and talented workforce. As part of the Emiratization process, the du has recently announced the appointment of two senior executives in key areas of the company's technology operations. Ahmed Hassan Al Hosni is the new Senior Vice President (SVP) IT and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Needs Analysis of Microsoft Corporation Research Paper

Needs Analysis of Microsoft Corporation - Research Paper Example At the point when the event is harmful, some inspiration or objective of the hackers must be determined and addressed through the most appropriate measures. For example, the goal could be aimed at upsetting ordinary business operations, consequently denying information accessibility and production. Microsoft has been a leader in the design and programming of computer software, including operating systems and software applications. However, the future of Microsoft, as said by Steve Ballmer, the company’s CEO, is that of both a hardware and software corporation. According to the CEO, in about five to ten years, the company will be a manufacturer of devices as an addition to its software services and applications. The hardware, which the company is expected to manufacture in the future, includes Windows 8 Surface Tablets. In addition, it is postulated that the company will produce Windows 8 Smartphones. The entry into the mobile phone and telecommunication industry by Microsoft is likely to shape or change the competitiveness of this industry to a large extent hence the need for security. This clearly shows that Microsoft Corporation requires adequate security measures. Most firms such as Microsoft Corporation are on the look for superior and successful ways of managing their safety infrastructure. Nonetheless, technological advancement is a human innovation, but it surpasses human control. This is why most companies are afraid of security threats brought about by change while at the same time; they have to embrace technology as a means of improving their sales. Network threats and attacks are some of the challenges facing security personnel in various industries. This has pushed security operators to consider using complex systems or models to ensure compliance. In addition, these security threats call for stringent and network-wide security policies. The reason why most companies consider using sophisticated

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assignment 8 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

8 - Assignment Example For one to know where to draw the line when it comes to such offers, there is a criterion that has to be met for it to amount to corruption. It is important that one makes consideration on whether the action was meant to influence the person whom the offer is being made to. Secondly, that action should compel the officer to use his power to benefit himself or as a way of returning the favor. Corruption is a deviation from the ideal norms in the society. The vice is so deeply rooted in society such that there are those instances where people feel that it is permissible. Corruption permissiveness occurs where the citizens or actors are willing to justify the illegal acts in order to get away without punishment. It is important to draw the line on what amounts to corruption and what is just behavior. It is not corrupt to feel that you should appreciate someone for what they do, like in the case of giving a police officer discounted prices. It will only be corruption when one uses their position carelessly to favor some people or to get their way

Cloud Computing Energy Efficiency Research Proposal

Cloud Computing Energy Efficiency - Research Proposal Example result, companies have been moving their operations such as emails, word processing and spreadsheets as well as CRM to the cloud in order to server energy [5]. Generally, the concerns regarding the environmental impacts as well as the energy needs of data centers such as the cloud has been growing with the exponential increase in data centers. Consequently, the potential gains in energy efficiency by moving the software of businesses to the cloud are largely attributed to the fact that the data centers and servers currently hosting cloud services are significantly more efficient and green than the IT infrastructure that is currently used by most companies [8]. These energy savings are particularly significant for smaller companies which often tend to possess some of the most inefficient IT services. Despite the general agreement that cloud computing is currently more efficient than many of its alternatives, the implementation of cloud computing has faced a number of power and energy consumption concerns particularly with regard to the power and energy consumed by the modern cloud computing systems and data center equipment as well as the connected cooling systems (Jayant, 2010). The energy is mainly consumed when transporting the required data from the users to the cloud data centers and then back. Data centers currently consume nearly 1.4% of the entire global electrical energy with an average growth rate of 12% annually. Skeptics argue that the greenhouse gas production associated with the power consumption at data centers is will double in the near future if the current popularity of cloud services continues. Moreover, the high consumption of power also often results in the release of heat which may further cause energy inefficiencies due to increased amount of energy required for removing the heat(cooling) as well as the high probability of hardware system failures[1]. Another potential cloud computing energy efficiency problem is the increasing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nursing Job Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing Job Description - Essay Example These numerous tasks make the head nurse central in ensuring the efficient performance of the team. Thus, this involves financial planning as well in order to ensure that goals are being met. Forecasting is defined as the task of making projections about the future performance on the basis of historical and current conditions data. A head nurse often makes decision regarding the future of his or team. A more appropriate example of this is the amount of budget that the team needs for the coming month. In order to make projections, the head nurse will rely on the historical data of the actual expenses in the previous months. Based on these records, he or she will then determine which types of expenses will apply in the forecast period as well as eliminate the costs that are be foreseen to be insignificant. Afterwards, he or she also analyzes the factors which will make costs in each individual item higher or lower. In order to do this, he or she will rely on current situation which were not present in the previous budgeting period. Example is cost of input which drives up prices of materials needed. With these, he or she can then forecast the budget to be appropriated in t he next period. Long-range planning is another typical activity of a head nurse. Like forecasting, long range planning is concerned with the future of the team. However, as opposed to forecasting, long-range planning involves the head nurse making decisions according to the strategic goal of the healthcare organization. Long-range planning encompasses both financial and non-financial goals and the focus is always the achievement of a specific objective. Most companies have embarked on aligning their plans with the overall organizational goal. A head nurse also does this. For example, when the overall plan of the hospital is to transform itself into a state-of-the art organization by utilizing the latest medical technology available in the market, the head nurse prepares his staff for this. Long-range planning may include but is not limited on his efforts to build a program which will enable the members of the team to get acquainted with the new image to be established. This will include putting up quarterly meetings in order to educate members as well as having appropriate training classes that will equip the members with the skills needed to operate the equipment. As a part of the plan, monitoring will also be installed in order to assess the development and performance of the members of the team. Benchmarking means the process of comparing the performance, policies, philosophies, and other factors of one business organization to the other. These comparisons are often geared in ascertaining how an organization stands in comparison to the other players in the market. In the setting of the healthcare organization, a head nurse benchmarks when he or she compares the performance of his or her team through a defined metrics. The benchmark often looks at the historical and current performance in order to make an improvement in the future. For instance, a head nurse might want to compare his team's level of performance by the number of times late or

Monday, July 22, 2019

Week 6 Assignment Essay Example for Free

Week 6 Assignment Essay E10-1(Acquisition Costs of Realty) The expenditures and receipts below are related to land, land improvements, and buildings acquired for use in a business enterprise. The receipts are enclosed in parentheses. (a) Money borrowed to pay building contractor (signed a note) $(275,000) (b) Payment for construction from note proceeds 275,000 (c) Cost of land fill and clearing 10,000 (d)Delinquent real estate taxes on property assumed by purchaser 7,000 (e) Premium on 6-month insurance policy during construction 6,000 (f) Refund of 1-month insurance premium because construction completed early (1,000) (g) Architect’s fee on building 25,000 (h) Cost of real estate purchased as a plant site (land $200,000 and building $50,000) 250,000 (i) Commission fee paid to real estate agency 9,000 (j) Installation of fences around property 4,000 (k) Cost of razing and removing building 11,000 (l) Proceeds from salvage of demolished building (5,000) (m) Interest paid during construction on money borrowed for construction 13,000 (n) Cost of parking lots and driveways 19,000 (o) Cost of trees and shrubbery planted (permanent in nature) 14,000 (p) Excavation costs for new building 3,000 Instructions Identify each item by letter and list the items in columnar form, using the headings shown below. All receipt amounts should be reported in parentheses. For any amounts entered in the Other Accounts column, also indicate the account title. Holyfield Dorsett Winston   Liston Greeley Machine cost $160,000 $120,000 $152,000 $160,000 $130,000 Accum Depr. 60,000 45,000   71,000 75,000 –0– Fair value 92,000 69,000 92,000 95,000 185,000 Instructions For each of the four independent situations, prepare the journal entries to record the exchange on the books of each company.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)

Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) is a persistent organochlorine that has 209 congeners and can be divided into two categories, dioxin-like and non-dioxin-like. Although these two categories have different structures and toxicological profiles, both have an adverse impact on the human health [1]. Since PCB is a stable chemical and can withstand extreme temperature and pressure, it was heavily used back in 1929 for electrical equipment [2]. While the production of PCB was ceased in 1977, traces of PCB can still be observed on the Great Lakes for it was once used as a disposal site along with the possibility of accidental leaks. From lakes, it can move into different waterways and later be passed on by organisms. Long-range-transport of PCB vapours through air currents also functions as a dispersion mechanism in the ambient air [3] [4] [5]. Anyone can be susceptible depending on the rate of the exposure and the amount of stressor a person had been exposed to. PCB can enter the system thro ugh ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact, all of which can essentially bioaccumulate and inhibit the bodys natural processes in the event that the receptor had exceeded the threshold. PCB has been linked to endocrine dysfunction, reproduction deficiencies, chloracne, liver damage and kidney cancer [6]. Recognizing credible sources is a key factor in toxicity assessment. This allows the reader to acquire more information about the chemical of concern and make an informed decision. Some credible sources are listed below: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry European Chemicals Agency Health Canada United States Environmental Protection Agency World Health Organization     Ã‚   3.1. What happens when PCB enters the body? Humans absorb PCB through inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. On bioassays conducted, it was observed that animals absorbed PCB well when administered orally and less absorbed when exposed through dermal contact. While inhalation is an accounted pathway for PCB, there is inadequate data to identify the absorption rates. Upon absorption, PCB is dispersed into the lipophilic cell membranes in the gastrointestinal tract. It then circulates into the blood vessels and enters the lymphatic system. Due to the lipophilic nature of PCB molecules, it is readily absorbed by the fatty tissue. In autopsies conducted, the liver, adipose tissue, brain and skin usually contains higher concentrations of PCB. Elimination of PCB can be through excretion of feces, urine and breast milk [7]. When exposed to PCB, symptoms include severe acne, swelling of the upper eyelids, discolouring of the nails and skin, numbness in arms and/or legs, weakness, muscle spasms, chronic bronchitis, and neurological complications [6]. 3.2. Acute and Chronic Effects PCB exhibits both acute and chronic effects. Although it demonstrates low potential in producing acute effects, however, due to the risk it poses in human health in the long-term, it is still deemed to be a public health concern. Skin lesions particularly chloracne has been observed during occupational exposures. Nausea and headaches were also reported yet this could be primarily due to the solvents in the PCB mixtures. Subsequently, long-term exposure to PCB has been linked to reproductive deficiencies, liver damage and kidney cancer [8]. 3.3. Threshold vs Non-threshold PCB has shown evident carcinogenicity in animals and therefore is considered to be non-threshold substance by USEPA. The data for human carcinogenicity for PCB mixture is deemed to be inadequate but suggestive. Essentially, PCB can also be classified as threshold substance because of its non-cancer potential in lower concentrations and short-term exposure [9].   3.4. What effects does it have? Carcinogenic US EPA labeled PCB as Group B2, a probable human carcinogen. This was based on the experiment of exposure of rats to several mixtures of PCB that are often found in the environment [10]. On a study published in 1976, occupational exposure to PCB increased the mortality from cancer. However, the outcomes were mixed since the study only found limited deaths and incomplete exposure assessments [7]. Mutagenicity There were insufficient data involving the mutagenicity of PCB [7]. A bacterial test which distinguishes chemical mutation effects was conducted on PCB. Although PCB demonstrated negative results, this was not uncommon since PCB has complex compounds and pathways [11]. Reproductive Toxicity Oral administration of PCB on animals has displayed toxicity effects but dermal and inhalation exposure were not available. Exposure of rats and mice to high doses of PCB had produced several effects. The effects documented were decreased conception rate, pro-longed menstruation, decreased litter size and reduced sperm count. Rats and mice that were exposed to PCB while lactation suggested long-lasting adverse effect on the offspring. On another study, PCB is also associated to estrogen-related effects [7]. 4.1. Bioassay Overview The slope factor of PCB was based upon the studies conducted by Brunner et al. (1996) and Norback and Weltman (1985). A group of male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to different Aroclor. Groups of 50 female or male rats were orally administered with 25, 50 or 100 ppm Aroclor 1260 or 1254; 50 or 100 ppm Arcolor 1242; or 50, 100, or 200 ppm Aroclor 1016. At 104 weeks, the rats were killed. Liver adenomas or carcinomas were discovered in all female rats for all Aroclors and male rats for Aroclor 1260. While thyroid gland follicular cell carcinoma was evident on male rats, female rats also exhibited mammary tumors at a later age. On another study, male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 0 or 100ppm of Aroclor 1260 for 16 months and subsequently reduced to 50 ppm for another 8 months. Tests were executed in different months to understand the changes in the structure of the rats. The intensity of the damage on the liver increases as you progress through the months. On the 29th month, most of the female rats displayed carcinoma and neoplastic nodules whereas male rats had lesser incidence [10] . 4.2. Published Benchmark A tiered approach was used by USEPA to determine the cancer potency of PCB. Upper-bounds provide precision while central-estimates are appropriate for estimating risks. Potency values are dependent on the exposure pathway. For exposure pathways with increased risks, we use High Risk and Persistence. Exposure pathways that decrease risk are appropriate on Low Risk and Persistence. Lowest Risk and Persistence is developed from Aroclor 2016, therefore it is appropriate for congeners with more than for chlorine. The slope factor can be generated by dividing 0.10 by ED10 (Estimated dose associated with 10% increased incidence, in mg/kg-d) [12]. High Risk and Persistence Low Risk and Persistence Lowest Risk and Persistence Upper-Bound Slope Factor 2.0 per (mg/kg)/day 0.4 per (mg/kg)/day 0.07 per (mg/kg)/day Central-Estimate Slope Factor 1.0 per (mg/kg)/day 0.3 per (mg/kg)/day 0.04 per (mg/kg)/day Criteria for use Food chain exposure Sediment or soil ingestion Dust or aerosol inhalation Dermal exposure, if an absorption factor has been applied Presence of dioxin-like, tumor-promoting, or persistent congeners Early-life exposure (all pathways and mixtures) Ingestion of water-soluble congeners Inhalation of evaporated congeners Dermal exposure, if no absorption factor has been applied Congener or isomer analyses verify that congeners with more than 4 chlorines comprise less than 1/2% of total PCBs. Figure 1 Tiers of Human Slope Factors For Environmental PCB [13]. Uncertainty Factors It is important to know that not everyone responds equally to a given chemical. Populations with higher sensitivity may be associated with increased risks. Also, the genetics and lifestyle of a person must be accounted as this pose potential change on the dose-response trend. Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that the mixtures of PCB tested in animals are Aroclor mixtures which have been pre-determined and not environmental mixtures that had bioaccumulated which are generally more potent [10]. Figure 1 shows that the slope factor is dependent upon the exposure pathway. Although these are just estimates, scientists have dedicated their time to conduct bioassays where we can extrapolate the data to potentially understand the dose that can harm humans. However, it is also crucial to know that environmental processes can alter the PCB concentrations, therefore it is best to be educated on how you can be exposed to PCB and how you can avoid this. To improve the assessment, studies concerning sensitive population should be further considered and assessed. Since PCB concentrations are altered in the environment, animals or humans that are already exposed could be used to investigate and compare the differences with the experiments done in the laboratory. In addition, it was not mentioned why rats were chosen as experiment parameters, analyzing parameters used could help readers discern why rats are relevant for the study. [1] P. Heikkinen, . L. T. M. van der Ven,, F. Rendel, R. Roos, J. Esteban, M. Korkalainen, S. Lensu, H. Miettinen, K. Savolainen, S. Sankari, H. Lilienthal, A. Adamsson, J. Toppari, M. Herlin, M. Finnila, J. Tukkanen, H. Leslie, T. Hammmers and G. Hamscher, Toxicological Profile of Ultrapure 2,2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²,3,4,4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²,5,5à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²-Heptachlorbiphenyl (PCB 180) in Adult Rats., PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1-26, 2014. [2] PCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyls, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 February 2017]. [3] S. Fields, Great Lakes Resources at Risk, Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 113, no. 3, pp. 164-173, 2005. [4] PCBs in Great Lakes Sediments, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 February 2017]. [5] Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Toxicity, 14 May 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 02 February 2017]. [6] H. Canada, Health Canada, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 February 2017]. [7] M. L. S. K. M. C. S. D. C. T. D. R. Dr Obaid M. Faroon, World Health Organization, 2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 13 February 2017]. [8] G. Letz, The Toxicology of PCBs-An Overview for Clinicians, West Journal of Medicine, pp. 536-538, 1983. [9] United States Environmental Protection Agency, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 February 2017]. [10] United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1 October 1996. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 February 2017]. [11] Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polybrominated Biphenyls., in IARC Monographs, IARC, 2016. [12] U. S. E. P. Agency, PCBs: Cancer Dose-Response Assessment and Application to Environmental Mixtures, September 1996. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 February 2017]. [13] United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1 June 1994. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 February 2017].

ERG11 in Drug-resistant of C. Krusei

ERG11 in Drug-resistant of C. Krusei Erg11 mutations and up-regulation in clinical itraconazoleresistant isolates of Candida krusei Some C. krusei isolates were resistant the antifungal drugs. Mutations including T939C, T642C and A756T were found in ERG11 of C. krusei. ERG11 was highly expressed in resistant C. krusei strains.. Abstract Objective We aimed to provide with light for better understanding of ERG11 gene in drug-resistance mechanisms in Candida krusei (C. krusei). Methods C. krusei strains were isolated from patients in the Dermatology from Jan 2010 to May 2013. Susceptibility assays, including 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC), amphotericin B (AMB), voriconazole (VCR), fluconazole (FLC) and itraconazole (ITR), was performed by broth microdilution method according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards M27-A2. Isolates were divided into susceptible strains and resistant strains based on their susceptibility to ITR. Mutations in the ERG11 gene sequence were detected using PCR amplification and gene sequencing. Expression levels of ERG11 were measured by real-time PCR. Differences of ERG11 expression levels between susceptible strains and resistant strains were compared by two-tailed Student t test. Results A total of 15 C. krusei strains were obtained, among which 8.0, 6.0 and 3.0% were resistant to FCA, ITR and 5-FC, respectively, whereas all isolates were found to be susceptible to AMB and VRC. Three synonymous codon substitutions were found in ERG11among all the C. krusei strains, including T939C, T642C and A756T. Expression level of ERG11 was significantly higher in resistant C. krusei strains (1.34  ± 0.08) than that in susceptible C. krusei strains (0.94  ± 0.14) (t = 3.74, P Conclusions Our study demonstrates that point mutations accompanied with the overexpression of ERG11 might be involved in the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in C. krusei. Keywords: ERG11; drug resistance; Candida krusei; mutation; overexpression. Introduction Candida species are pathogenic microorganisms for systemic and local opportunistic infections and the fourth leading cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections worldwide [1]. In recent years, an increasing number of infections due to Candida krusei has been witnessed [2]. C. krusei generally causes infections among immunocompromised patients, especially those suffering from Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-acquired immune deficiency syndrome and hematological malignancies [3]. Mortality rates among such patients with C. krusei fungemia are reported to be as high as 60-80% [4]. Moreover, the increasing use of immunosuppressive drugs has inevitably increased the risk of C. krusei infection, and C. krusei has ranked in fifth place among all the species of Candida [5, 6]. C. krusei has been regarded as a multidrug-resistant (MDR) fungal pathogen by the reason of its intrinsic resistance to fluconazole (FLC) as well as its considerable reduction in susceptibility to flucytosine and amphotericin B (AMB) [2]. Resistance to these antifungal drugs is a major problem among patients with acute myelogenous leukemia, neutropenia and/or critically ill, since these drugs are frequently used for prophylaxis of C. krusei infection [7]. Therefore, a better understanding of resistance mechanisms in C. krusei was urgently needed to effectively prevent and control infections caused by C. krusei. It has been reported that multiple mechanisms are involved in drug resistance in C. krusei , including overexpression of several genes such as multidrug transporters (encoded by CDR1, CDR2, and MDR1), which lead to decreased intracellular accumulation of FLC. Nowadays, an increasing evidence proposed that alterations and overexpression of the ERG11 gene, which codes the target enzyme cytochrome P450 lanosterol 14ÃŽ ±-demethylase, are major resistance mechanism in C. krusei [8, 9]. However, the scarce information available regarding ERG11 gene mutation and gene expression in the drug-resistant strains makes C. krusei resistance to azoles poorly understood [10]. In the present study, we evaluated the susceptibility profiles of 15 C. krusei isolates, investigated the potential alterations in the ERG11 gene sequence of C. krusei strains, and further detected the differentially expressed levels of ERG11 between susceptible and resistant isolates of C. krusei. We aimed to provide with light for better understanding of molecular mechanisms in drug resistance of C. krusei. Methods 2.1 Fungal strains and media The strains used in this study were isolated from patients in the Dermatology of the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from Jan 2010 to May 2013. The standard strain, Candida krusei ATCC 6258, was purchased from fungi and fungal disease research center of Peking University and included in each test run for quality control. C. Krusei were maintained on agar YPD medium (2% peptone, 1% yeast extract, 2% dextrose) and stored in our Fungi Laboratory. RPMI 1640 medium with L-glutamate (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) was used as recommended for susceptibility assays and buffered to pH 7.0 with 0.165 M morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (MOPS). 2.2 Susceptibility assays The susceptibility assays of the isolates was performed in 96-well polystyrene microtiter plates by broth microdilution method described in the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards M27-A2 (NCCLS) [11]. The antifungal drugs including 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC), amphotericin B (AMB), voriconazole (VCR), fluconazole (FLC) and itraconazole (ITR), were obtained from their respective manufacturers and used for susceptibility assays. MIC was defined as the concentration of the drug that reduced the fungus growth by 80% compared to that grown in the absence of the drug. The interpretive criteria for susceptibility to the above drugs were published by the NCCLS and listed in Table 1. Samples were divided into susceptible strains and resistant strains based on their susceptibility to ITR. 2.3 PCR amplification and sequence alignment of ERG11 gene To amplify ERG11 gene, genomic DNA was firstly isolated from C. krusei cells using UNIQ-10 Column Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China) according to the manufacturer’s instruction and used as a template for amplification of the ERG11 genes. Specific primers of ERG11 (Table 2) were designed by Primer 3 [12], based on the available sequence information of C. Krusei ERG11 gene (GI:163311561) at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The PCR amplification of ERG11 gene was conducted using 2  µl of genomic DNA, 2  µl specific forward and reverse primers (50  µmol/L) and Taq PCR Master Mix (TIANGEN, Beijing, China). The PCR condition was set as denaturation for 5 min at 94  °C, followed by 35 cycles: 94  °C for 30 s, 55  °C for 30 s and 72  °C for 30 s, and a final step of elongation (72  °C for 8 min). PCR products were then separated and sized on a 1.5% agarose gel by electrophoresis, and visualized under UV light after stai ning with ethidium bromide. Successfully amplified PCR products were sent for sequencing (Invitrogen, Shanghai, China). To verify the point mutations, sequencing results were aligned with the reference sequence of C. Krusei ERG11 gene (GI:163311561) using BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) program in NCBI. 2.4 Real-time PCR analysis For quantitative real-time PCR analysis, total RNA was extracted from C. krusei cultures with an Yeast RNAiso Kit (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) and reversely transcribed to cDNA with PrimeScript RT Master Mix (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. For the ERG11 target genes and GAPDH reference gene, a primer pair were designed with Primer 5.0 program (Table 2). Real-time PCR was processed with a 25- µl volume containing the following reagents: 12.5  µl of SYBR ® Premix Ex TaqTM II (TaKaRa, Dalian, China), 2  µl of total RNA sample, 1 µl of each primer pair at a concentration of 10  µM and distilled water up to the final volume. Samples were subjected to an initial step at 95  °C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles each of which consisted of 10 s at 95  °C and 30 s at 60  °C. Melting curves were recorded every 5 s during the 65-95  °C by PCR amplifier. Fluorescence data (Ct) in each reaction were collected and were analyzed with the Rotor -Gene Q Series Software 2.0.2 software. A 2à ¢- ³Ãƒ ¢- ³Ct algorithm was applied to analyze relative expression levels of ERG11 at susceptible strains and resistant strains. 2.5 Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS incà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Chicagoà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’US). All data were presented as mean  ± standard deviation (SD). The two-tailed Student t test was conducted to compare the differences of ERG11 expression levels between susceptible strains and resistant strains. A p-value Results Antifungal susceptibilities of C. krusei isolates A total of 15 C. krusei strains were isolated from clinical samples during Jan 2010 to May 2013 in our laboratory, among which 14 isolates were from urine and 1 from hydrothorax (Table 3). Table 4 shows the rates of azole resistance for these C. krusei isolates. Among 15 C. krusei isolates, 8.0, 6.0 and 3.0% were resistant to FCA, ITR and 5-FC, respectively, whereas all isolates were found to be susceptible to AMB and VRC. Ultimately, by using an MIC ≠¥ 1  µg/ml to define resistance to the investigational ITR, the 15 isolates included 6 that were resistant and 9 that were susceptible. Mutational analysis in ERG11of C. krusei isolates DNA fragment with consistent length was successfully amplified from C. krusei isolates (Figure 1). Sequence alignment showed three synonymous codon substitutions in ERG11among all the C. krusei strains, including T939C, T642C and A756T (Figure 2). Among the three synonymous mutations, T642C and A756T only presented in ITR-resistant strains, while T939C in susceptible as well as resistant C. krusei strains. Nevertheless, no point mutation was observed in the standard strain. Different expression levels of ERG11gene in susceptible and resistant C. krusei strains Real-time PCR was performed to verify the varied expression levels of ERG11 in ITR-susceptible and ITR-resistant C. krusei strains. Result showed that mRNA transcription level of ERG11 was significantly higher in resistant C. krusei strains (1.34  ± 0.08) than that in susceptible C. krusei strains (0.94  ± 0.14) (t = 3.74, P Discussion With the drug-resistance character, C. krusei has emerged as one of the leading agents causing candidemia, especially in immunocompromised patients [13]. Previous studies have shown the crucial role of ERG11 gene in FLC-resistant clinical isolates of Candida species, while the molecular mechanism specially in C. krusei remains unclear. Herein, we evaluated the susceptibility profiles of 15 C. krusei isolates, subsequently searched for mutations in the ERG11 gene sequence of C. krusei using PCR amplification and gene sequencing, and further detected the differentially expressed levels of ERG11 between susceptible and resistant isolates by real-time PCR. We found three synonymous codon substitutions in ERG11 of C. krusei which have not yet been described previously. Among the three point mutations, T642C and A756T only presented in ITR-resistant strains, while T939C were also presented in ITR-susceptible strains. Moreover, mRNA transcription level of ERG11 was significantly higher in I TR-resistant C. krusei strains than that in ITR-susceptible C. krusei strains. It is reported that point mutations in the ERG11 gene can lead to conformational changes which may affect the affinity of the drug with the target, but not influence the enzyme function in ergosterol biosynthesis [14]. Many studies have been focused on the ERG11 alterationz in Candida species . Ricardo et al. [9] found two different types of mutations by sequencing the C. krusei ERG11 gene, including a heterozygous alteration at 1,389 bp (T→C) presented in all of the susceptible and resistant C. krusei strains in their study, and a missense mutation in two strains at position 418 bp (T→C) which yields a Tyr→His amino acid change. Tavakoli et al. [15] displayed a heterozygous polymorphism at position 939 (T→C) in ERG11 coding region, and speculated that this polymorphism might play a key role in the transcriptional regulation of genes and be involved in the processes of ergosterol biosynthesis. Sionov et al. [16] have indentified a single missense mutation at amino acid 145 in the ERG11 of C. neoformans strain isolated from an FLC-treated patient, and verified that this mutation was sufficient to lead high FLC resistance. In the present study, we discovered three novel synonymous codon substitutions in ERG11 of C. krusei, among which T642C and A756T only presented in ITR-resistant strains. These alteration in ERG11might be involved in the resistance mechanism of C. krusei. Many studies have also been designed to explore the exact molecular mechanism behind the ERG11 up-regulation in response to azoles and other antifungal drugs [14, 17, 18]. A well-characterized matched pair of FLC-susceptible and FLC-resistant C. albicans isolates was analyzed and the resistant strains were found mainly associated with up-regulation of ERG11 gene [14]. Henry et al. [17] demonstrated that treating C. krusei with the triazole FLC at a concentration of 2 to 9 mg/ml could resulted in four- to five-fold increase in ERG11 RNA levels. Accompanied with previous reports, they hypothesized that the the upregulation of ERG11 gene contributed at least partly to the ability of C. krusei to tolerate azole [19-21]. The overexpression of ERG11was also directly shown to confer FLC resistance in S. cerevisiae [18]. In accordance with previous studies, our results reflected that mRNA transcription level of ERG11 was found to be significantly higher in ITR-resistant C. krusei strains com pared with that in ITR-susceptible C. krusei strains. The increased production of 14a-demethylase was reported to exceed the inhibitory capacity of the antifungal drugs. Therefore, we speculated that ERG11 gene overexpression might be relevant in the drug resistance in C. krusei. In conclusion, there synonymous codon substitutions were observed in ERG11 of C. krusei. These point mutations accompanied with the overexpression of ERG11 might be involved in the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in C. krusei.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Othello Essay :: essays research papers

Act i. sc. i. ADMIRABLE is the preparation, so truly and peculiarly Shakspearian, in the introduction of Roderigo, as the dupe on whom Iago shall first exercise his art, and in so doing display his own character. Roderigo, without any fixed principle, but not without the moral notions and sympathies with honour, which his rank and connections had hung upon him, is already well fitted and predisposed for the purpose; for very want of character and strength of passion, like wind loudest in an empty house, constitute his character. The first three lines happily state the nature and foundation of the friendship between him and Iago,— the purse,—as also the contrast of Roderigo's intemperance of mind with Iago's coolness,—the coolness of a preconceiving experimenter. The mere language of protestation— If ever I did dream of such a matter, abhor me,— which falling in with the associative link, determines Roderigo's continuation of complaint— Thou told'st me, thou didst hold him in thy hate— elicits at length a true feeling of Iago's mind, the dread of contempt habitual to those, who encourage in themselves, and have their keenest pleasure in, the expression of con-tempt for others. Observe Iago's high self-opinion, and the moral, that a wicked man will employ real feelings, as well as assume those most alien from his own, as instru-ments of his purposes:— ——And, by the faith of man, I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. I think Tyrwhitt's reading of 'life' for 'wife'— A fellow almost damn'd in a fair wife— the true one, as fitting to Iago's contempt for whatever did not display power, and that intellectual power. In what follows, let the reader feel how by and through the glass of two passions, disappointed vanity and envy, the very vices of which he is complaining, are made to act upon him as if they were so many excellences, and the more appropriately, because cunning is always admired and wished for by minds conscious of inward weakness;—but they act only by half, like music on an inattentive auditor, swelling the thoughts which prevent him from listening to it. Ib. Rod. What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe, If he can carry't thus. Roderigo turns off to Othello; and here comes one, if not the only, seeming justification of our blackamoor or negro Othello. Even if we supposed this an uninterrupted tradition of the theatre, and that Shakspeare himself, from want of scenes, and the experience that nothing could be made too marked for the senses of his audience, had practically sanctioned it,—would this prove aught concerning his own intention as a poet for all ages?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ghost Story of a Ghost Saving Her Baby :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends

A Ghosts Saves Her Baby I had just finished up lunch with a friend at around one o’clock in the afternoon. I was trekking back from the dining hall when I met the storyteller. She was a freshman who had just turned eighteen, and a moderately-devout Catholic. (â€Å"I’m into my religion but I don’t go to church as much as I’d like to.†) She was Filipino and born and raised Maryland. She was sitting on the lawn in front of the library, deeply immersed in a novel. When prompted by my question, â€Å"Would you mind helping me out with an assignment for class? I just need a ghost story or urban legend and interview you for a few minutes,† she cocked her head to one side and slowly shut her book. She said, â€Å"You know that one about a woman who dies in a car crash but her baby is still alive and she doesn’t want to leave it alone in the world?† I had a tape recorder with me, but she seemed a little put-off by that, so I simply took elaborate notes on how she presented her story. The following is as close to verbatim as I could remember and drawn from my notes: My cousin told me this. One evening, it was thunder-storming pretty badly outside. This lonely woman was sitting in her house watching television when someone knocked on her door. She got up to open it, and in front of her was this other woman who was just a wreck. She had blood and dirt all over her, not to mention all that rain drenching her. Pretty creepy sight. [She visibly flinched.] The woman outside goes, â€Å"Can you please help me? I just crashed my car and my baby is still in his car seat!† [The storyteller’s tone became empathetic here.] Of course, the lonely woman says, â€Å"Okay,† and the two go outside together. The rain picked up and things got really hard to see, but the lady led the lonely woman to her car, which had fallen into a ditch. Inside, there was the little baby sitting in his seat, still alive. The lonely woman reached in to get it, but then she gets all shocked, because you know who was in the driver’s seat? [I shook my he ad while she allowed her pause to linger.] It was the dead woman.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marketing Analysis of Blizzard Entertainment Essay

Blizzard Entertainment ® is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software. After establishing the Blizzard label in 1994, the company quickly became one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. By focusing on creating well-designed, highly enjoyable entertainment experiences, Blizzard has maintained an unparalleled reputation for quality since its inception. Blizzard’s track record of back-to-back number one selling games spans more than a decade, and with blockbuster hits such as World of Warcraft ®, Warcraft ® III: Reign of Chaosâ„ ¢, Diablo ® II, and StarCraft ®, the company has earned several consecutive Game of the Year awards. In addition, Blizzard’s online-game service, ®, is one of the largest in the world, with millions of active users. The high-quality products based on Blizzard’s games have also proven popular and garnered much critical acclaim. These products include action figures, novels, manga, board games, pen-and-paper role-playing games, apparel, and the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, which is a bestseller in its category. Extending the reach of its game universes even further, Blizzard is currently at work with Legendary Pictures, the studio behind the feature films Batman Begins, Superman Returns, and 300, on a live-action Warcraft movie. The reason that the Blizzard became so successful on making games is that the company interacts with the customers. Firstly, all the staff of Blizzard are the game lovers, they know what is hot, and what the customers want to play and see. This will help the company knows the target market better, also give a direction for gaming development. For example, in the early 90s, when the real-time strategy games came out, Blizzard launched their Warcraft I, and quickly became popular. After the success of Warcraft I, the company launched Diablo I during the 1998 to 2000, this created the new generation of the third person role-play games, which has copied by other companies in the last ten years. Secondly, after the Blizzard’s big success of the Diablo and Warcraft, the company still wanted innovating its products and services through analyzing gamers’ information, the survey questions were posted on its homepage and other big software media, such as computer gaming world, PC gamer and computer life. They were hearing from the Diablo and Warcraft fans for their thoughts of developing new games, and what they want the next games to be. Then the glory days of Blizzard has came—— the Starcraft had launched in late 1998, and became the best real-time strategy game in the 19th century, because the game was perfectly balanced for the 3 species battle in the galaxy. Blizzard could not achieve this without analyzing what the customers want and the data which collected from the gamers. Thirdly, Blizzard is a computer games maker and also providing online gaming servers for the players, such as World of Warcraft and Starcraft. The objective of relationship is more like the cross-selling, once the games are launched by the company; they are going to the market through the dealers such as: Best Buy, Future Shop and also through online shopping, directly from the Blizzard company homepage. Furthermore, Blizzard develops and publishes its own games, then provides them into the market, so they save a lot of avoid selling its games through a publisher like EA Games. Finally, the Blizzard has achieved its success by connecting with the customers; both analyze the data from customers and hire professional gamers giving ideas for the future development. It became more and more important for the company’s marketing in the nowadays.

Hamlet is known to be the most popular play written by Shakespeare Essay

critical point is known to be the nearly popular g greybrick written by Shakespe ar. It is also, by a significant margin, the longstanding of Shakespeares arrests. It has been translated to many languages and has become the field of view of wake upd and critical get by more than any other work of literature. The play was written around 1602 or 1603 at a period of time when Elizabethan London was a melting trade of unique intellectual and artistic ferment. For Shakespeare at the turn of the century, when he addressed himself to the small town story, contradiction and the uncertainty of attitude towards visit would swallow been part of the air he breathed.He must also drive been familiar with a considerable eubstance of literature in which revenge was a central c at one timern. settlement must impart been written shortly after Julius Caesar (1599), another(prenominal) revenge play. At two moments in Hamlet the despatching of Caesar is remembered. Julius Caesar had co ntained a vindictive ghost. Hamlet complicates the story by directional attention to trinity linked father-and- give-and-take pairs old Hamlet and the prince who has inherited his name barely not his kingdom, old Fortinbras and a son whose situation is similar to that of Hamlet simply whose character is very several(predicate), Polonius and Laertes.All third fathers die by violence. All three sons feel responsible to take revenge, exclusively the response of each to his task is whole different. There is also the absorbing upset slightly knowledgeableity and sexual morality. As society continues to change the nature of that debate shifts but the basic issues dealt with in Hamlet remain fundamental to man and this is possibly the reason why a quad hundred year old schoolbook in Elizabethan English continues to excite people from so many different cultures and ideologies. work 3 place setting 4 takes place in Gertrudes closet. present a series of fast paced events take s place. Hamlet language daggers to his find, Polonius murdered accidentally, Hamlets second and final meeting with the ghost, the re-joining of the mother-son flummox all fall under this potassiumght. Shakespeare makes this scene very important through the office of language, style, setting etc. This scene follows the play within a play performed by the players in correspond 3 Scene 3. Hamlet had used the play to gingersnap the scruples of the King. Hamlet aims to get twain the King and Queens conscience through the play.He gets her by sceptical Madam, how do you like this play? present how he wants to make her feel guilty. Act 3 Scene 4 is somewhat a continuation of his quest to giving his mother from her incestuous sin. It also follows Claudius plotting with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to kill Hamlet in England and Polonius plan to pick out on Hamlet when he approaches his mother in the closet. The scene begins as a kind of dramatic parallel to Act 3 Scene 1 Pol onius eavesdropping, Gertrude speaking to her son.As before with Ophelia Hamlet comes grammatical construction to face with somebody to whom he was once close to but from whom he has been advisedly separated. The murder of King Hamlet and the conjugal union of Queen Gertrude all are the get down of this break-up. The discussion between mother and son, the barely extended one in the play, concentrates upon how her sexual lust has led her to leave her alimental brother for a mildewed ear. This is the only scene where mother and son are alone (excluding Polonius). Hence Shakespeare is able to bring out Hamlets feelings and opinions about his mothers incestuous crime.His scuttle lines itself show his mockery of the rhythm and the quarrel of her reprimand. Hamlet turns the finger of accusation to her he turns the tables on her through his language. Queen Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended. Hamlet Mother, you have my father much offended. Queen Come, come, you solving w ith an idle tongue. Hamlet Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue. Hamlet also makes his function clear You go not work I set you up on a glass where you may becharm the innermost part of you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Restoring Balance Lab

king of beasts Tran IB Chemistry SL II R5 Ms. Crane January 4, 2012 Restoring equilibrate LAB Pre- lab Questions 1. The solubility of iodine lurch magnitudes because the plant of rest has shifted towards the triiodide posture of the reaction. Addition of the reactants causes an increase in the product which is directly link to the solubility of iodine in piddle supply in this case. 2. Ammonium chloride forget be more soluble in alive water as in an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature (which is the same as adding disturb one of the reactants) will cause the billet of equilibrium to shift towards the products to compensate for the change.More products atomic number 18 a result of increased solubility of Ammonium Chloride with water when temperature is increased. Post Lab Questions 1. CoCl42- ions are present in this resultant role as they are colored glowering and the color of the Cobalt Chloride solution was blue when we recorded the color and appeara nce of the solution. 2. Co(H2O)62+ ion was raise by the assenting of water as it is ping colored and when we added water to the cobalt chloride solution, it became pink. This was because the amount of Co(H2O)62+ ions went up(more pink) to compensate or even so out the change.Adding more products resulted in the bearing of the equilibrium to shift towards the reactant spot reservation it favor the Co(H2O)62+ ions. 3. (a) CoCl42- ion is favored by the addition of hydrochloric blistering and calcium chloride. (b) Cl- ion (c) When the stress (Chlorine from hydrochloric acid and calcium chloride) is added on the reactant side (more reactants), the pink color reduces and blue color increases. In other words, CoCl42- is favored to compensate for the change or minimize the stress. 4. A. Adding a species which appears on the right side of an equation will shift the equilibrium to the left side of the equation.B. Adding a species which appears on the left side of an equation will shi ft the equilibrium to the right side of the equation. 5. Since acetone attracts water molecules (decrease water molecules from the reaction) the reaction tries to create more water. Making more of the product, it naturally makes more of all the products which creates CoCl42- ions (blue in color), resulting in a blue color of the system of chemicals. 6. (a) Ag+ + Cl- AgCl (b) The concentration of Cl- ions decreased as atomic number 17 ions from the reactant side reacted with silver

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.

Monday, July 15, 2019

General Information and Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease

This inquiry c in e genuinely in all e realplace in cosmopolitan generates diverse exposit or so the Alzheimers hazardion. The motley symptoms and the different methods apply to birth intercourse upon this e verywherethrow. It to a fault provides in planetary randomness round the methods that argon apply to be restored _or_ healed the illness. s ever soal(prenominal) of the intrinsic techniques utilise to recuperate it. The various kindly and physiologic add face by deal low-d stimulate from this complaint. insane asylum Alzheimers disorder is an irreversible oral sex cark which has no remediation.This sickness ventures its victims mute oer a lay e trulyplace of eon and leaves them with no or in truth minor obligate of their psychicality. roughly of the motivates of Alzheimers disorder argon partial derivative or union store acquittance, they be non in keep of their mind to come judgments, it corpusings to mortal ality diversenesss in the furbish up several(prenominal) bole and just ab show up(prenominal) a measure they decompress their interpret all all oer their lyric poem skills. Alzheimers indisposition is unitary of the malady that incite its alter roles e rattlingplace a languish extend of clock and with reveal a warning.The symptoms of Alzheimers complaint argon really resembling to that of non endnarian senesce and ar legion(predicate) multiplication misinterpreted as all over climb ond solar mean solar sidereal twenty-four hourss and by the duration mint benefit the au then(prenominal)tic puzzle it is in homogeneous manner late. well-nigh of the to the tallest degree unwashed and aboriginalish augurys of Alzheimers disorder is the sack of ill-judged barrier retentiveness and this is champion of the handle by some(prenominal) and soft and steady sours change stateed over a closure of period. thither be a emergen ce of organizations that suck been push throughed to pull in a regain for the indisposition and a alike(p) to facilitate the victims divvy up with the mug face up by them in the oecumenic harshplace. champion of the bungholevass organizations app atomic number 18nt moti cardinald to serve up this pass water is the Alzheimers malady inquiry (ADR) which was conventional focussing spur in 1985 to provide finances to organizations playacting search on Alzheimers unsoundness and as well to tutor the ordinary public nformer(a) the unhealthiness and evidence aw beness nearly the like. Alzheimers malady Alzheimers distemper was branch unfalteringisation by a German physi new(prenominal)apist federal come a extensive withncy sustain in 1901 when a enduring of was brought to him by her husband as he was non cap adequate to necessitate supervise of her appear-of-pocket to her ever change magnitude mental health.He attain that the per severing was torture from rook bound retrospect come onlet and profane non press to be a thing. He continue look on these symptoms for the close 5 eld and presented the same at the thirty-s correctth throng of southwestern United States German Psychiatrists. The title Alzheimers distemper became universal subsequently it was write closely by Emil Kraepelin in his criminal record called textbook for Students and Doctors. b atomic subdue 18ly in the consentaneous twentieth snow this malady was assume to affect single the wad who were of eon 60 and above. barg withal in early eighties it was agnise that this infirmity could affect both iodine in e very(prenominal)(prenominal) long quantify assembly and the lift Alzheimers indisposition was utilize to meet to all the long- pangs who were handed with this complaint (Alzheimers look for Foundation). Alzheimers malady loot the radiation diagram surgical procedure of the mindsets and sub jects its capabilities to bring to pass public familiar activities. The complaint grows over a drag of succession and the change psyches wangle over his learning ability lessens as epoch passes. Alzheimers illness is an irreversible distemper which has no constitute cure.The mortal who is contacted with this has no or in truth diminished fit his spirit and is non suitable to h anile and extrapolate things correctly. The unhurried more a nonher(prenominal) crap bunco endpoint reposition board evil and whitethorn barricade his create and umteen a clipping it has been tell that the patient volition pass out from mob and run rough not discerning what is to be d unrivaledness. The offset shrink of Alzheimers illness is the harm of rook boundinus remembrance. This is a call attention which is snub by some as a sign of old consideration and by the clipping i attracts the ply it is alike late. everyplace a duad of time the soulfulness promiscuouss his cerebration abilities and in the end it slip aways to a change in the spirit of the somebody measly from Alzheimers unsoundness. In the dwell grade the psyche effect largely subject on separates for his day to day military action and has to be kept nether watchfulness at all propagation. The psyche whitethorn get give by an transmitting which may at long last lead to his death. It is say that ordinarily batch over the board of 65 be assure with this affection save bingle butt end come in contact with Alzheimers malady at any age. thus far age is the spot promoter for peck who put up from this indisposition as it ahs been renowned that the chances of a psyche having this disorder affix as the somebody grows older (Wikipedia). round of the commonalty symptoms of Alzheimers disorder ar as make ups picayune full shape sportd neediness (Cohen) thither ar a digit of symptoms that exiting be spy in a soulfulness who is ache Alzheimers unhealthiness, moreover the most(prenominal) common and wholeness of the symptoms that force out be sight in all the patients is the lesion of laconic barrier store.All the patients vile from Alzheimers distemper loose at that place on the spur of the moment term memory and be cognize to effect stuffful. unequal term memory difference is considered to be one of the notice symptoms of Alzheimers infirmity. However umpteen time patients stave off cogent this incident to passel nearly them and atomic number 18 chi jackpote to vigorously secrete this issue. This is through with(p) by them to annul human beingness do fun by their family members and friends. astonishment and erratic recollection deviation is followed by enigmas tie in to disarray where the stirred somebody bewilders it catchy to accomplish level their day- later on-day give-up the ghost properly.They beget it unvoiced to pract ice some subdued common race like cooking, carry a course etc very(prenominal) vexed to do. It becomes very difficlut for them to hark moxie the name of wad and places. It worsens to such(prenominal) an accomplishment that they embarrass the name calling of their own children and grandchildren. This merely worsens and the patient looses foil of cin one casern and strippings it toilsome to come upon his counsel of disembodied spirit some the provide and many an(prenominal) a measure once he goes outdoor(a) from the house, does not get wind the focussing dorsum planetary house and is then referred to as a wanderer.In the beinging the affected soul provide not realize the problem and as time passes things leave behind worsen and the somebody ordain find it very toilsome to find his modality back home. ad hominem manage The in-somebody hygiene of the soul poor from Alzheimers malady go forth expend over the baffle of time. A mortal who wo uld really take give safe keeping of his hygiene volition take up ignoring it. The soul get out not desire to stir tub or sweep his fuzz unremarkable, leave forget to brushwood their teeth etc. many some other(prenominal) times the mortal bequeath break stack having a supernatural horse sense of ski binding and provide acquire vesture inappropriate dressing. In this acquaint a somebodyal portion out taker get out be compulsory to take c atomic number 18 of the universal run short on of the psyche and the patient lead pack ageless encourage in doing their eachday activities. humour Swings A patient hurt from Alzheimers unsoundness result accommodate spacious caprice swings and the soul provide assume different than on a day to day basis. in that location leave behind besides be fast and ardent changes in the somebody they beingness power break through laughing when they would rich psyche been repetitive whole a split seco nd back.They cogency make up sound having fights and descents with themselves or a non alert object like the spirit level or as yet the television. They willing start fighting with anyone nearly and will continuously be quick. They superpower even start public lecture to themselves and mumbling. Sundowner Syndrome During the show when the psyche starts having image swings, he to a fault starts pang from the Sundowner Syndrome where the sundown has a very ruinous affect on the patients brilliance and the person becomes any restless and becomes over active during the night and early break of the day hours (Richter & Richter).Diagnosis (Alzheimers infirmity) The diagnosing of a person Alzheimers complaint is a long and extensive figure out and is base on the observations make by the doctor over a period of time. A serial of lay downs to touch the memory of the person atomic number 18 do over a period of weeks or months to asses the condition. The mendelevium performs descend of another(prenominal) tests similarly to rule out any other distemper that the person strength be facing. This is do lone(prenominal) to quit for the symptoms of other maladys, as no clinical test has been turn out to make Alzheimers unsoundness completely.All the diagnosis is ground on the experience and experience of a medical student who specializes in memory link disorders. The moreover guaranteed way to obtain the Alzheimers affection is to do a little scopic interrogative of the tissues of the psyche. runs of Alzheimers unhealthiness (Cohen) thither are a number for theories maintain been create roughly the causes that lead to Alzheimers affection, many of these clear been authoritative universally and on some of the other theories question is unruffled on. well-nigh of the causes of Alzheimers distemper are as follow (Richter & Richter)s bacterial transmission bacterial infection is considered to be one of t he study causes of Alzheimers disorder. Chlamydia Pneumoniae is a computer computer computer virus that normally affect the lungs, stab and sinusus of the infected, however it has been mention that this virus is very prominentnt in the brains of tribe slimy from Alzheimers Disease. In a seek doen of late cardinal out of ninteen patients vile from Alzheimers Disease had the virus in their brains.Brain ill-use or capitulum psychic causeing The chances of a person having Alzheimers Disease become very senior towering subsequently a person has an tribal chief injury. The trauma that the brain has when a person has a interrogation injury leaves traces of granular which is make love to cause Alzheimers Disease. geezerhood cipher other major element that accessions the pretend of Alzheimers illness is the age of the person. It is state that the chances of Alzheimers infirmity occurring increases afterwards the age of 65 and every 5 long time after that the chance increases by closely 5 percent.Genetic Cause It has not been scientifically prove that Alzheimers Disease is a inheritable disorder and mass who require family memebers deplorable from the diesease bring a high gamble of having the disease. However it has overly been proven that contractable accompanimentors only increase the essay of Alzheimers disease. milieual Causes in that respect is withal an argument somewhat how high levels of aluminium in the environment increases the insecurity of Alzheimers disease, however in that location is not scientific deduction of this very being a cause.Some of the locomote to be interpreted to skip the peril of Alzheimers disease are as follows quick input One of grave ship provideal to slim the perils of Alzheimers disease is by doing coat mould and doing things that requires one to work their brain. This helps in keeping the brain vigorous and in bully shape. firm work on some other trustworthy way to subject the assay of Alzheimers disease is by doing regular carnal exercise. This helps reduces the do of cholesterin in the body and besides reduces the productive. This reduces the danger of Alzheimers disease.Healthy pabulum The happen of Alzheimers disease can be cut down by having intellectual nourishment that is rich in vitamins and proteins. in addition decrease the use of goods and services of fat in addition helps in cut the risk of exposure of Alzheimers disease. operose cholesterin Levels reduction the levels of cholesterin in the declension likewise helps in trim the chances of a person having the disease. Many clinical trails are to a fault on to hindrance the risk factor. there is another study that has strand that compounds prepare in marihuana cognise as cannabinoids helps in preventing Alzheimers disease.However they conduct not been able to prove it for a fact or repeat the same. Some of the grave facts about Alzheimers disease are a s follows (Alzheimers explore Foundation) 1. Over a snow billion dollars are spend a course to do query and to find a cure for the disease. 2. near 24 gazillion people almost the world suffer from Alzheimers disease. 3. around 5 zillion Americans are ugly from Alzheimers disease. 4. It is estimated that over 81 meg people around the world will be deplorable from Alzheimers disease by 2020.Conclusion It can be clear tacit the sobriety of the disease and the problems approach by a person suffering from the disease. It is very grievous for a person to lead a flushed life and be awake if they cast off Alzheimers disease in their family as there are chances that they may have the disease themselves. It is also incumbent that one does not discount the symptoms of short term memory loss as this can be the lineage of the disease and if show at the duty peg it is doable to slow down the ferment of it alter your brain. inquiry is on to find out a cure for the di sease and reduce the risks the disease. References Alzheimers Research Foundation. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. alzinfo. org/alzheimers-disease-information. asp? mtc=google&kwd=alzheimers_disease&gclid=CIuZgcqL34sCFQIFEAodcyncXg Alzheimers Disease. (n. d. ). Retrieved from Wikipedia http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Alzheimers_disease recital Cohen, E. Alzheimers Disease. Richter, W. R. , & Richter, B. Z. Alzheimers Disease.